
Welcome to Comstock Seed's new blog. We specialize in Native Seed acquisition and consultation. If you'd like to visit our website, please go to http://www.comstockseed.com/ This blog will cover exciting things that happen on the farm, even if they are not seed related. Enjoy!

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Friday, May 7, 2010

A visit from C C Meneley 3rd graders - Part 2

Filling seed packets with Shawn.

Making smoothies on the kid powered "Fender Blender"

The only teacher to give it a whirl!

Smoothies consisted of orange juice, bananas, frozen strawberries and a little plain yogurt. Yum!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for letting our kids into your home. My son loved it! The owls, the seeds, the walk, the birds, the fender blender, the smoooooooothies! mmmmmm...

    Your blogsite is great. My son was able to relive his experience of this trip with his dad. Pretty magical...

    Thanks again,

    A CCMES parent
