Ed spent Friday at Dry Creek Gardens' new windmill site in Washoe Valley. Our booth included solar information as well as information on our seeds. NV Energy and the USDA were present to talk about Dry Creek's new 2400 watt windmill. Thanks to NV Energy's rebate and a rural development grant from the USDA, Dry Creek is now producing much of their own power. Good luck Dry Creek (John and Nancy Strickland)

Linda spent both Thursday and Friday at Capital City Farm Days. She brought the baby tortoises to "show and tell" to about 700 elementary school children. Thursday started with around an inch of snow, so the tortoises were one of the few "critters" that came to the exibit. We took a picture, but it didn't come out.
Here's the local newspaper's article about it:
Also, Linda and Ed attemded Douglas High School Environmental Club's Earth Day celebration. They brought the "Fender Blender" and the students made their own smoothies. The link to the Record Courier's article is here: